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Life is ice, enjoy it before it melts :)
When you're down to nothing, God is up to something. The faithful see the invisible, believe the incredible and then receive the impossible. Life is a journey that is not meant to be made safely. I want to live my life in a way that when i get really old, i look back at my life and say: aaah I lived it, not survived it.
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kimberlyganmingli :) i don't want to grow up.
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1P :Dadrienne amanda boyieng Cheng Kin eik huan esther khoo eugene ng Eunice Quay 6c '08 Gwen Ng Hao Yi Henry Chay Huei Minn Isabelle Foo Jamie jessicagreen Jia wei Joanna Oon Jo Yee Kenny Ng Madam Anne madeline Morika natalie too nicholas lee nicole lim NisaHurst Nisha Gomathi pui yee Qing Jun Renee Risny Tan Samantha Goh Sarah sherlynn Sean suet wei rachel lim rose ong Wan Jia vanna lee yuan fang Yeun Hui Yuan Wen Yu yuan Zhi Xuan Yes,click on them :p
be my elmo;
hehe. i wonder why we dont have this in school. ELMO AND COOKIE MONSTER <3 harrow :D TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AFTER HOLIDAYS! well, got our results. it was not too bad. but i shall try harder the NEXT term >:D jia you jia you! Hmm, sport practice sports practice, im nervous. there are sooo many good runners this year again, alot of competition. and even getting into an event is still hard to get! So im praying i'll get chosen, going jogging whenever im free, hoping to train. GET PUMPED UP YO. <33 "Each time we face our fears, we gain courage, strength and confidence in the doing" :)
sealed with hugs and kisses;
nah. just too bored and free, even though i have nothing to blog about. I was skyping with rachel XI zhen lim just now, now she's at theory class, HAHA. waiting for her to come back on >:) theory exam's over! woots. oh boy am i glad. i pitied the people sharing the class with me. cause i was sneezing and coughing like every 5 seconds? it was horribblee. well, i've decided to start a diary! :D well, sort of a diary, more like a day planner of some sort. i dont update everyday, but i shall write my thoughts inside, like short updates, hopefully it'll last. And my new year resolutions! yes, its late. but better later than never :) AND, birthdays! i shall write down all the birthdays of my awesome friends in it, so i won't forget! cause i''m VERY forgetful. no seriously. my cousinds are heree , from singapore! going out for a movie later, a break from scrapbook. So, i'll be off now. rachel lim is back! HAHA. till then. quotes sherlynn and christian :P
no man's an island;
PRAY FOR JAPAN! and all the other countries who are going through this earthquake and tsunami. Seeing and hearing all these happen, really makes you scared. well, i feel it does. Ryan said the end of the world might be after holidays, and well, i can't argue with him, cause we never know. SO, just have faith in the Lord, You never know what each and every prayer can do :)stuck like glue;
Hello everyone ;)its officially the last day of exams, woots. :D well, i still have chinese paper tomorrow, and theory exam on monday which i have no clue how im gonna finish, i'll be the happiest girl in the world if i scrap through with a pass, wish me luck! I have nothing really to update on. but i need a place to rant, besides kim, so i shall do it here :) don't mind me. IM EXCITED FOR THIS SATURDAY. why? cause we're having our FIRST youth meeting this year, after soo long! im praying that it'll be a good kick start. I was put in charge of the worship team with alex, but i haven't really done anything, since he said everything was cool. heh. WELL, im still all overtherainbow with the fact that we're rebooting again! sort of. yeah. hopefully to bring in more younger youths to help serve! Amen. Hmm, School, has been. the same i guess. I've been talking to kai wen alot these days. Never really knew him last time, but now, we're such good friends la :) and he's so nice. Sometimes, these kind of people are those that you least expect to be close to, but somehow, these are the people that actually are worth being friends with. AND AND, just a random fact, dont you think its so cool that february only has the 29th after every FOUR YEARS? ;D okay, it may not mean anything to you, but it does, to me <3 10 months in counting. TEEHEE. HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS! xx. kim. |